



The surgery will be closed for staff training on Wednesday (10th july) from 12pm until 8am Thursday 11th july for Staff Training. For support during this time there are a number of services available including Pharmacy, Urgent treatment centres NHS111 online or over the phone & A&E if your problem is a life threatening condition 



DoYourBit to protect the NHS by keeping A&E free for serious emergencies

 Our services continue to face high demand and your decisions as a patient really make a difference.  We therefore ask if you would please consider:

  • only using 999 and A&E if your condition is a threat to life or limb.
  • using alternative services, such as local pharmacies, GP's and NHS111 On line services nhs.uk
  • attending A&E with non-emergency conditions are likely to face a long wait for treatment and may be referred to a more suitable service for their needs. 
  • check your symptoms, using the online symptom checker available at 111.nhs.uk, which will re-direct you to a health professional if you need to be seen by someone. If your symptoms persist and you are not getting better, please contact your GP practice for advice. 
  • If you need advice for an everyday illness or injury, please either contact your local pharmacy for help of look at the self-care advice that's available online from the NHS at nhs.uk


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